WOO! I did my first Taiwan Radio show today..
Though i did something of the same before in Singapore but!
I'm really too "gan jiong"..
I'm keep repeating what i've said and i'm feeling shy..
haha... :)
As usual, i recorded some ID for BEST radio and tried to be a DJ for an hour! :)
- Sep 21 Fri 2007 23:52
First Taiwan Radio Show!
- Sep 21 Fri 2007 19:47
New !!!
Woo hoo!
This is a totally NEW KELLY BLOG!!!
I'm like having a new blog! :)
Nice Nice!
I'm gonna share as much as i can!
Hope its interesting to read my journey!!!
I hope you guys like it!
Cos' I lOVE IT!!!!
- Sep 20 Thu 2007 16:41
I am missing lots of my friend's wedding, just this week!
There's two of them!
Really happy and excited for them!
Its a new life for them. A new start for them :)
I am envious..also feeling sweet.. :)
Didn't have the chance to wish thm personally.
So i'll wish them from here!
- Sep 17 Mon 2007 00:56
New Bath tub!
I just had a new bath tub! though i don't rest myself in it and do bubble bath..
but i do stand n it to shower.. can you picture it?
I had to change my bath tub cos it was cracked and i got clamped always... poor feet..
The new bath tub is in beige, the old one red. i guess red is always a better colour, not cos i love red but cos it wont look dirty even if it is? haha...
ok, bout the new tub! its bigger and more spacious! there's a sliding door connected to the bath tub, the old one was too narrow i'll always hit myself somehow..
but this new one is good.. hahah
- Sep 12 Wed 2007 12:51
Teaser! Short candy taste for those who are interested! :)
This is a teaser of me.
It's posted in Yahoo and You Tube.
- Sep 04 Tue 2007 01:42
Though the trip was tiring. But it was all worth it!