I'm leaving for china for 3 weeks to do my promo with the courtesy of BENQ sponsoring!
Big Thank you!!!
I saw my Bling Bling MTV!
我即將啟程到內地做三週的唱片宣傳! 這次BENQ是我的贊助商喔! 謝謝BENQ!
我已經看到我的Bling Bling音樂錄影帶, 很可愛很漂亮喔!
I've loads of things to pack..
- Dec 08 Sat 2007 15:20
Loads of things to pack (打包)
- Dec 08 Sat 2007 15:05
In Singapore! home for a few days..NOT ENOUGH!!!
I was in Singapore for a few days..
cos there's no work in tpe.
now i am back in tpe and preparing to go china on the 12th.
i manage to catch up with some of my friends!
me and my best friend and her bf went to a new drinking place!
- Nov 30 Fri 2007 02:03
End of Promo In Taiwan (台灣的宣傳將告一段落)
Time really flies!
Its been 2 months!
I did lots of tv variety shows and radio and magazines and newspaper works.
My last two was 綜藝大哥大 and 模範棒棒堂!
時光飛逝! 兩個月就這樣過去了!
我做了很多不一樣的宣傳, 有電視通告, 有電台通告, 還有雜誌 & 平面專訪!
我最後的兩個通告是 - 綜藝大哥大 & 模範棒棒堂!
- Nov 30 Fri 2007 01:12
Back to Singapore
I went back to Singapore for a few days for work!
its v packed.. no rest and no time for my family and friends.
but its a fun trip! i always love to go back home..
feel comfortable and relaxed.. cos i am in my territory? haha..
i met up with my fans in various events!
my fans gathering concert, my campus concert, spop concert and psc night show.
i also attended radio promo and photoshoot!
- Nov 30 Fri 2007 01:06
Beauty legs? ha.. (美腿? 哈...)
I did a news article with apple daily!
Its about taking care of your legs and making it glow!
Its a share and care article.
我跟蘋果日報做了一個專訪, 是有關怎麼保養腿的專欄!
i had to pose some yoga poses!
all thanks to my make up artiste- akira!
- Nov 18 Sun 2007 00:03
Show's dealing with cash...
i think i really can't gamble or to do anything with money and stuffs.. always no luck..
will lose..
though its nothing much.. but too many times also will be discouraging..
but in all, i had fun la..
- Nov 17 Sat 2007 17:45
Meeting the hotdogs!!!
This is a MTV program!
its all bout having fun and games!
MC Hotdog and Duaki are the host of the show
The guest, we have ding dang, id and myself!
not forgetting a pretty model!